Dolpo Tulku e.V.

Dolpo Tulku e.V. is a non-profit association and was founded in 2011 to support Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche’s activities in Nepal and Europe.

We are committed to preserving the cultural identity of the people in the Dolpo and promote the development of the Inner Dolpo, which is urgently needed due to the high mortality rate of newborns and an average life expectancy of less than 60 years.

The Inner Dolpo is home to the highest inhabited valleys on earth, whose inhabitants still have to get by without any infrastructure, with hardly any electricity and minimal medical care, and whose lives are characterized by extreme climatic conditions, among other things.

Our goal is to provide sustainable support to the people of the extremely remote Dolpo region in Nepal and, together with the local population, to enable a careful combination of traditional and modern Western lifestyles.

In addition to the projects, the association also sees its task in promoting the exchange and networking of cultures and in connecting the timeless wisdom of Buddhism with modern science, philosophy, medicine and psychology. Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche therefore gives lectures on Buddhism, yoga and basic ethical behavior based on love and compassion every year in Europe (e.g. Germany, Switzerland, Czech Republic). The association also organizes Buddhist seminars and retreats with Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche to make the teachings of Sutra and Tantra in the tradition of the Nyingma School accessible in Germany and Europe.


We are committed to the preservation of the cultural identity of the people of Dolpo and promote especially the development of the Inner Dolpo, which is urgently needed due to the high mortality rate of newborns and an average life expectancy of less than 60 years.

Dolpo Tulku e.V. supports the activities of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche in Europe and intensifies the networking of cultures. We open access to the scientific and spiritual sources of Himalayan Buddhism to all interested people.

DOWNLOAD as PDF file: Statutes_10Dec2016

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Members receive a discount on all events organized by Dolpo Tulku e.V..

How you can support us

Our mission to support the people in Dolpo/Nepal and to organize a wide range of courses in Europe needs resources. Therefore we turn to you: Please support this work and make a difference!
Become a member now, donate once or regularly, or become part of our team! We look forward to you and your support!

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