Yoga for Inner Growth

Type of event:

On Site, Dolpo Tulku | Nam Chö Yoga | Wiesen (near Frankfurt a. M.)


Wed, 15.11.23 – Sun, 19.11.23


Retreathaus Berghof e.V.
Am Berg 1
63831 Wiesen (Spessart, bei Frankfurt a. M.)

Start (CET time):

Arrival: reception at 4 pm, introduction at 6 pm

End (CET time):

Departure: at 2 pm, after lunch

Contribution (members, pupils, students, unemployed, pensioners)*:

210 €/180 € reduced*

Course fee, without accommodation & meals


English with german translation



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Pranayama & Nam Chö Tsa Lung Gegsel

In this retreat, Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche teaches an easy-to-learn combination of various breathing (pranayama) and yoga exercises that can be easily implemented in everyday life.

Developed by Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche, “Yoga for Inner Growth” works with the subtle energy body on the three levels of the channels (Tib. rtsa, Skt. nāḍi), winds (Tib. rlung, Skt. prāṇa), and essences (Tib. thig le, Skt. bindu).

It combines practices from the Tibetan traditions of Nam Chö (nam chos, “sky dharma”) with Indian Haṭha yoga. Its dynamic yogic practice of the body and mind works on the external level by stretching the physical body. On the inner level, Prāṇa activates the immune system. On the secret level, one rests in the nature of mind through meditation.

The Nam Chö (nam chos, “Sky Dharma”) Tsa Lung Gegsel exercises, have been passed down in unbroken lineage from Tertön (treasure finder) Tulku Mingyur Dorje (1645-1667) to Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche. They combine dynamic movements with the visualization of specific seed syllables and the use of controlled breathing.

These powerful exercises for harmonizing the energy channels address subtle areas where blockages are often found. They help us release stress and pent-up emotions in the upper body and shoulders. They also help with conditions of too much internal heat, such as fever or an infection. Likewise, digestion is regulated and menstrual cramps are relieved. A deep healing process is stimulated and contributes to the stabilization of a calm and balanced mind.

In these retreat, Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche will also provide some background on the yoga philosophy of chakras, channels, winds and bindus, and explain how our body awareness can help us overcome our negative states of mind to develop a stable, peaceful mind.

Rinpoche was trained in all of these traditions at Namdroling Monastery in southern India.

Prerequisites for participation

No previous knowledge is required, everyone is welcome!

The seminar costs are 210 EUR / 180 EUR reduced* (for members, students, unemployed or retired people).

People with the financial capacity are invited to donate 10 Euros extra. With this money we try to support people with less financial freedom to enable their participation.

For people without financial resources there is the possibility to reduce participation fee after verification by Dolpo Tulku e.V. and Rinpoche himself. In exchange we ask for assistance during the retreat.

For all those who do not yet have texts, there will be extra costs for practice materials of about 20 Euros.

Furthermore we want to point out that retreat costs only cover our expenses (travel costs for teachers/translators, rental fees, preparation, text creation)

To acknowledge the effort of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche and his translator, it would be nice, if participants could bring a certain amount as Dana. Thank you very much!

As the number of participants is limited, please register as soon as possible. Please transfer the participation fee no later than 01st of November 2023 to the account of Dolpo Tulku e.V..
Only after receipt of payment, we can bindingly confirm your participation.

Account: Dolpo Tulku e.V.
Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE82 7015 0000 1001 9954 04
Purpose of payment: Yoga for Inner Growth

Paypal: Association account


For cancellations of up to 8 days before the beginning of the retreat, we claim a contribution for administrative costs of 50 % of the seminar fee.

Board & lodging are not included in the course fees. Please book directly via this link at Retreathaus Berghof!


Like most traditional retreat houses, Retreathaus Berghof e.V. depends on its visitors’ assistance (so costs can be held as low as possible). Therefore every participant is asked to contribute about 45 to 60 minutes per day, assisting in everyday work in the kitchen and around the house.

Naturally, these periods are adapted to our retreat schedule.

Slippers, comfortable clothes for yoga and meditation, personal toiletries, towels and bed linen are available at extra charge.

Participation in this retreat is at your own risk. The organizer, Dolpo Tulku e.V., as well as the instructor shall accept no liability for any personal injury and damage to property, caused on the occasion of course participation. Intensive meditation retreats are often not suitable for people with a history of psychiatric illness. In case of doubt, we ask for consultation in advance.


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