How to go beyond the conceptual mind
Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche will talk about how you can transcend your conceptual mind and bring out your Buddha nature through your yoga practice.
The meaning of the Sanskrit word “yoga” in its Tibetan translation “rnal ‘byor” encompasses the realisation of the nature of phenomena and mind, and abiding in it. To bring about this state of primordial wisdom free from concepts, the subtle energy body of channels (Tib. rtsa, Skt. nāḍi), winds (Tib. rlung, Skt. prāṇa) and essences (Tib. thig le, Skt. bindu) is worked with. When all these three levels work together, consciousness is calm. When it is calm, the conceptual mind is transcended and the nature of mind, your Buddha-nature, emerges.
Prerequisites for participation
No previous experience is required, everyone is welcome!
To honor the efforts of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche and his translator, as well as to offset the organizational expenses of Dolpo Tulku e.V., we ask for a contribution in an amount of your own choosing. Thank you very much!
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Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE82 7015 0000 1001 9954 04
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