Rigdzin Düpa Empowerment & Retreat

Type of event:

On Site, Dolpo Tulku | Practice Retreat | Prague (CZ)


Thu, 23.11.23 – Sat, 25.11.23


Tibet Open House
Školská 693/28, Prague (CZ)

Start (CET time):

Start on 23rd November at 9 am
Empowerment on 23rd November at 6:30 pm

End (CET time):

End on 25th November approx at 5 pm

Contribution (members, pupils, students, unemployed, pensioners)*:

75 €

Course fee, without accommodation & meals


English with Czech translation, if you need German translation, please contact carmen@dolpotulku.org


czechsangha@gmail.com (bitte auf englisch Kontaktieren)
anyone can take part


czechsangha@gmail.com (bitte auf englisch Kontaktieren)

Don’t miss this precious opportunity! Empowerment on Thursday 23 November at 6:30 pm!

Rinpoche won’t be able to return to europe until fall next year.

Rigdzin Düpa (Assembly of Awareness Holders) is an inner Lama practice from the Longchen Nyingtik tradition, which is one of the most important Nyingma Dzogchen systems. The practice comes from a terma text discovered and taught by Jigme Lingpa (1730-1798).

The powerful practice of Rigdzin Düpa helps us overcome our ingrained habitual patterns to dwell in the nature of our mind.
According to the Dzogchen tradition, visualization is generated instantaneously rather than gradually, so that the ordinary process of perception of our mind is interrupted. With the cessation of ordinary perception, which is clouded with thoughts and emotions, the original clarity, our pure awareness (rigpa), emerges.

If we manage to rest in this pure awareness, which is empty in its essence and emerges as clarity according to its nature, our enlightened qualities will fully emerge. By progressively revealing our Buddha nature beyond the conceptual mind, our inherent all-pervading compassion is strengthened, enabling us to support all beings in the greatest way possible.

Prerequisites for participation

Anyone can take part in the entire RIGDZIN DÜPA RETREAT.

The seminar costs are 75 EUR

People with the financial capacity are invited to donate 10 Euros extra. With this money we try to support people with less financial freedom to enable their participation.

For people without financial resources there is the possibility to reduce participation fee after verification by Dolpo Tulku e.V. and Rinpoche himself. In exchange we ask for assistance during the retreat.

For all those who do not yet have texts, there will be extra costs for practice materials.

Furthermore we want to point out that retreat costs only cover our expenses (travel costs for teachers/translators, rental fees, preparation, text creation)

To acknowledge the effort of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche and his translator, it would be nice, if participants could bring a certain amount as Dana. Thank you very much!

Please transfer the participation fee no later than 15th of November 2023 to the account of Dolpo Tulku e.V.. Only after receipt of payment, we can bindingly confirm your participation.

Account: Dolpo Tulku e.V.
Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE82 7015 0000 1001 9954 04
Purpose of payment: Rigdzin Düpa

Paypal: Association account


For cancellations of up to 8 days before the beginning of the retreat, we claim a contribution for administrative costs of 50 % of the seminar fee.

In a hotel or self-organized.

Participation in this retreat is at your own risk. The organizer, Dolpo Tulku e.V., as well as the instructor shall accept no liability for any personal injury and damage to property, caused on the occasion of course participation. Intensive meditation retreats are often not suitable for people with a history of psychiatric illness. In case of doubt, we ask for consultation in advance.

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