As preparation for the dying process
Phowa is a meditation practice in which we practise or become familiar with safely transferring our own consciousness at the moment of death into the intermediate realms until the next birth.
Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche will explain the relevant practice as he received it from his main teacher H.H. Penor Rinpoche and practice it together with the participants. In addition there will be tutor led practice sessions.
Prerequisites for participation:
The retreat is suitable for both beginners and all who have been involved in Buddhism for some time. Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche would especially like to invite those who have already learned the Phowa practice to strengthen the Sangha.
Participants are requested to attend the entire retreat.
Contribution: 60,- €
The contribution will be collected via Paypal when you register ( for the webinar.
If you do not have a Paypal account, please register with Carmen ( and transfer the fee to our association account.
Account: Dolpo Tulku e.V.
Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE82 7015 0000 1001 9954 04
Purpose of payment: Phowa