Longchen Shedra Event

Type of event:

Dolpo Tulku, Online, Longchen Shedra | Lectures


Sun, 17.12.23


Meeting ID: 870 0354 2094
Kenncode: 986489
Zoom-Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87003542094?pwd=bHhBUVFCaUJoTmlrazFldERCN2pXdz09

Start (CET time):

11:30 am

End (CET time):

1:00 pm


English with simultaneous Russian translation


Everyone is welcome, no registration is required! Please just join via the Zoom link above. Thank you very much!

A special Online-Event with presentations by international guest lectures

Denis Barát Lecture about “India at the time of the Buddha: the culture of Greater Magadha”

Denis Barát studied Indian and Tibetan studies at the Charles University in Prague, and spent one year at the Rangjung Yeshe Institute. In his academic life he has focused on Indian Buddhism and narrative literature. Currently, he teaches ancient Indian history at the Masaryk University in Brno.

Dr. Julian Schott Lecture about “The three Dharmacakras – A brief overview of contexts and relates doctrines”

Dr. Julian Schott studied Indology, Philosophy and Religious Studies in Göttingen, Pune and Hamburg. During his bachelor and master studies (2014), he studied classical Tibetan in a part-time program for six years. He wrote his dissertation at the Center for the Study of Manuscript Culture (CSMC) in Hamburg and published it in 2019.
After having taught for one term each Sanscrit and classical Tibetan in the University of Sydney and the Rangjung Yeshe Institute, he returned to Hamburg in 2020 and is now at the Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies at the University of Vienna since 2023.
His general expertise lies in the indo-Tibetan tantric with focus on primary Buddhist Snskrit sources (manuscript studies) and Tibetan translation literature.
Besides, Julian is involved in field of contemplative sciences.

Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche will give a concluding summary of the topics at the end.

Prerequisites for participation

No previous knowledge is required, everyone is welcome!

The online sessions will take place via Zoom. Zoom is a fairly user-friendly online meeting program that allows participation via computer, tablet or smartphone. Under the following link you will find instructions on how to join a meeting and the possibility to test the connection with Zoom:
There is also the possibility to dial in free of charge via telephone if you don’t have internet, but then without video.
If you have any questions or technical problems please contact Carmen: carmen@dolpotulku.org

Participation in this retreat is at your own risk. The organizer, Dolpo Tulku e.V., as well as the instructor shall accept no liability for any personal injury and damage to property, caused on the occasion of course participation. Intensive meditation retreats are often not suitable for people with a history of psychiatric illness. In case of doubt, we ask for consultation in advance.

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