Khandro Gekyang Chöd

Type of event:

Online, Tutorial | Live practices


Tue, 03.12.24


Meeting ID: 840 0832 0887
Passcode: 350934
Zoom link:

Start (CET time):

7:30 pm

End (CET time):

8:15 pm

Contribution (members, pupils, students, unemployed, pensioners)*:

a self-chosen amount





No registration required!

With Hilde and Mario, Tuesday: 3.12.2024

The Chöd practice Khandro Gekyang (tib.) or ‘The Loud Laughter of the Dakinis’ is part of the Longchen Nyingtik cycle, a practice and teaching cycle from the Nyingma tradition revealed by Jikme Lingpa.

The word Chöd means to cut or sever. What we need to cut through is our grasping for an inherent self. Self-centeredness and our grasping for an inherent self are the foundation of all our negative emotions, we can observe this in our everyday experiences.

So how does Chöd practice cut through this self-centeredness? Through the practice of love and wisdom; through the sword of love and compassion.

One’s own body and life are the most important things to all people. Chöd practice is about mentally letting go of one’s own life, that which one values most, and offering it to others. By transforming our bodies into nectar and thereby satisfying the needs of all beings (including those that cause harm), we can lay bare and integrate the energy bound up in our attachments and fears, recognizing and pacifying them as part of us. In this way, we sever the root of our negative emotions, let go of concepts and habitual patterns, and dwell in the nature of phenomena.

Chöd practice is considered to be very helpful in curing many diseases and protects against harm caused by demons as the embodiment of our fears.

Prerequisites for participation

Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche invites ALL NGÖNDRO / VAJRAYANA PRACTITIONERS to the online Khandro Gekyang Chöd practice.

You can find the text here: Tibetan/English/German (pdf)



In order to appreciate the efforts of Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche as well as to compensate for the organizational effort of the Dolpo Tulku e.V., we ask for a contribution of a self-chosen amount.
Please transfer the course fee to the account of the Dolpo Tulku e.V. or send it to us via Paypal.

Account: Dolpo Tulku e.V.
Bank: Stadtsparkasse München
IBAN: DE82 7015 0000 1001 9954 04
Purpose of payment: Chöd

Dolpo Tulku Rinpoche’s (Tulku Sherab Zangpo) Paypal:

We would like to support people who are in need, sick or deceased with our prayers. You are invited to send Kerstin the names of your loved ones for whom you would like to commission prayers.
Please transfer a donation to our association account and indicate PRAYERS as the purpose of payment!

Your donations will be used for the development of an adult education program for illiterate people in Nepal.

The online sessions will take place via Zoom. Zoom is a fairly user-friendly online meeting program that allows participation via computer, tablet or smartphone. Under the following link you will find instructions on how to join a meeting and the possibility to test the connection with Zoom: 
There is also the possibility to dial in free of charge via telephone if you don’t have internet, but then without video.
If you have any questions or technical problems please contact Carmen:

Participation in this retreat is at your own risk. The organizer, Dolpo Tulku e.V., as well as the instructor shall accept no liability for any personal injury and damage to property, caused on the occasion of course participation. Intensive meditation retreats are often not suitable for people with a history of psychiatric illness. In case of doubt, we ask for consultation in advance.

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