Finding rest in the nature of the mind

Type of event:

On Site, Online, Dolpo Tulku | Retreat | Pergola, Italy


Tue, 26.12.23 – Thu, 28.12.23


Retreat center “Ngagyr Dudjom Drodul Ling”
Via Frazione Montaiate 10
61045 Pergola
Italy (Pesaro-Urbino)


English with Italian translation


Jigdrel Lamo: +39 339 8481679


For on-site and online participation please contact
Jigdrel Lamo: +39 339 8481679

Study and Meditation Retreat

On the precious text by Longchen Rabjam (1308 – 1363), one of the most eminent Realized Masters of Tibetan Buddhism. At the study and retreat center “Ngagyur Dudjom Drodul Ling”. First Italian Nyingma Buddhist Center directed by Rigdzin Namkha Gyatso Rinpoche.

Prerequisites for participation

No previous knowledge is required, everyone is welcome!


Possibility to stay in the B&B next to the center, and enjoy the beautiful panorama of appennini’s mountains for 3 days.

Participation in this retreat is at your own risk. The organizer, Dolpo Tulku e.V., as well as the instructor shall accept no liability for any personal injury and damage to property, caused on the occasion of course participation. Intensive meditation retreats are often not suitable for people with a history of psychiatric illness. In case of doubt, we ask for consultation in advance.

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